Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Happy Birthday Robert!

Schedule this week:

Mon: too damn early
Tue: no work, hanging out with Robert
Wed: 6:45 to 10:45 pm
Thu: 6:45 to 10:45 pm
Fri: no work
Sat: 4:15 am to 12:15 pm
Sun: church

I had a good day at work today. I guess it's all about who you work with. I took a pilates class at the gym. That was kinda fun. I mainly wanted to see what it was about. Well, turns out, it's mostly ab work. There's a bit of upper and lower body, but it always involves the abs. Too bad I can't commit to the class. It could totally shrink my gut.

I had dinner with a longtime friend on Sunday. Those of you in the know who I'm talking about. It's hard to describe my feelings towards it, and I don't want to publish them here cuz I want to respect the privacy of the other parties involved. But in the end, thing can only get better. Maybe not ideal, but better.

School is less than a month away. Considering that most other schools have already started, I'm kinda lucky. Though that means that my summer break is shorter. But this is good. I keep on meaning to start some art projects. I've been so tired lately. The hypochondriac in me thinks chronic fatique syndrome, but I'm not that tired. I should still try to uphold my new-school-year resolution of getting more sleep. Or more like, getting more regular sleep.

Right now, I think I should aim low and keep my rest-of-winter-break goals as 1) watch LotR:RotK again in the theaters, 2) watch LotR:TTT DVD with the various commentaries and the extra features, 3) watch various movies in my pile, 4) fulfill my duties as member of my church's website team, and if I can, 5) update my website in the process.

I should try to cut my TV-watching, but how can I stop now that American Idol has started? I won't be able to watch the Tuesday night shows once school starts, so it'll probably be like last year where I won't watch until the very end. Hey, it was enough to get me to buy the Clay Aiken CD. Not so much the Reuben Studdard CD. And the latest Josh Groban CD... isn't as good as the first. Dang it. I'm such a fangirl.

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