Thursday, January 22, 2004

I'm am getting that bloodlust again. I played Legolas in the XBox version of LotR:Return of the King, and it's a spiffy game. They've managed to blend scenes from the movie flawlessly into the game interface. Phooey, though, that my dying actually affects the game. Phooey.

Update on F and T from work:
F is no longer working at our store, but that's not stopping her from calling T up all the time. T kept on telling F to stop calling him. But she won't. Her parents' solution? Put out a restraining order against T. Fuh-nee. Poor T. Apparently, he had nothing to do with F's little incident but everyone thinks he did.

Okay, final thought for the day: I'm on the mailing list for the LucasArts newsletter, even though I'm not much of a gamer. Mainly to see what kind of job openings they've got. It seems they always have art jobs open. Anyway, this week there's an opening for a Production Assistant. Basically, the Producter's gofer. It seems like a good way to get a foot in the game industry. Now, competition will be stiff and my chances of getting this job, should I apply, would probably be in the low single-digit percentage. But the thing is that this job is in San Rafael (Marin County). So if they should ask me if I'm willing to relocate to that area, the question is, am I? I'm not sure. I mean, it's a fabulous company (and I know, I know, I have a one in a gazillion chance of actually getting the job) and no doubt great experience, but the industry's in LA, some of the better schools (or instructional facilities) are in LA, and not to mention, it's really expensive to live out there. A part of me says to just go for it and worry about it if I actually get the job. But those of you that know me that I'm the type to worry five steps ahead, so I will. Can't help it.


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