Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Hey, so why aren't my regulars commenting? Eh? Eh? (Nevermind, you kettle me pot.)

Wow, it's been almost a week since I've posted! You must think I've died or something! Well, close. I've just been sick the past few days, and I'm buying into the theory that our bodies have their own response to fight diseases, and by taking medicine we are only hindering our bodies from their thang. So far, though, it's just been sore throat, sporadic coughing, and a lot of runny nose, so I'm not sure how much more I've got to wait this thing out. After all, my flu shot can only last for so long.

School's starting next week. Right on my birthday, too. Oh well, there are worse ways to celebrate. I'm reminded of my 21st where I spent it with a couple of sick roommates, one of whom was so sick that her parents and her then-9-yr-old sister came up to visit. Oooh yeah. Nothin' like turnin' legal to party with a elementary-schooler. ;P

Turning 25, though, is making me go through a quarter-life crisis. What the heck am I doing? I'm seeing my peers getting married, establishing careers (or at least is on a solid plan) and I'm feeling like a giant loser kid with no prospects. I guess I'm just getting antsy. I've done a lot of slacking and having fun this winter break, but that's getting me no closer to my career goals. It's a long story, but I saw this program on PBS, and it was nothing new, but it did remind me that the mass immigration of Koreans in the 70's and 80's had only one major purpose, and that's the education (and subsequent success) of their children. And well... it's a scary burden to know that your parents sacrificed everything to live in a foreign culture so that you could become a success.

Anyway, I've already taken to calling myself a 25-yr-old, so once the day comes, I suppose it won't be too much of a shock. Urgh. ******SHOCK*******

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