Friday, November 19, 2004

Okay, friggin' a, I swear John Hannah was back. But that wasn't the best part. Do you know who I sold coffee to today? John Shea.

Before you say, "Who?" let me give out a few clues:

Adam on "Mutant X", but more famously, Lex Luthor on "Lois & Clark".

Okay, yeah, I guess he resides in the pseudo-celebrity world (though Dean Cain is considered a "real" celebrity," and perhaps Teri Hatcher, too) but so far, he's the famous-est of the celebrities I've served... well, Jerry Springer is pretty famous but more infamous than famous, I think.

The best part? I chatted up John Shea. I didn't let on that I recognized him, but I just jokingly asked if he wasn't addicted to caffeine like the rest of us (he ordered decaf vanilla soy latte), and he just replied, "Oh caffeine's so bad for you. I try to stay away." Cool beans, eh?

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