Thursday, November 18, 2004

Okay, so my thing on the gay marriage issue:

First of all, I don't think that there should be a constitutional ban on it. That's just lame. Personally, I don't believe our nation will crumble based on this little issue. Now... the Patriot Act has enabled the government to violate our 4th amendment rights... but I don't here many conservatives whining about that. Sure you can be jailed for criticizing the President... as long as you're not gay and married.

Now, on the other hand, there is something to be said about marriage as an institution versus civil unions. Because last I checked, gay people still had marriage ceremonies. But it lacked any teeth, as in, it didn't give you rights as beneficiaries, that hospital thing where you can determine whether or not to pull the plug, that green card thing, etc, etc. I thought "ER" addressed it well when Kerry Weaver lost custody of her son cuz she wasn't the biological mother, and they weren't legally married. I remember seeing a performance artist named Tim Millar who had a show about how his boyfriend, with whom he's been with for seven years, couldn't stay in this country because he had only a student visa that was set to expire, and Tim was angry because heterosexual couples who've been together less can get married and give the other person a green card. Anyway, I think civil unions should definitely exist. I guess I'm not sure if it should be called marriage. But then, the "sacredness" of marriage no longer exists in America. So why shouldn't it be called marriage? If any deep, monogamous relationship where you're in it for the long haul isn't called marriage, then what is? I don't know, because there are plenty of people out there (hetero and homo) that refuse to get married cuz they've got commitment issues, even if they've been together for decades. Heh.

We served yet another pseudo-celebrity. John Hannah, most noted for his performance as the gay guy on Four Weddings and a Funeral. More recently on that bad show "MDs." But I coulda sworn we served his co-star on that show, William Fichtner, too, though it's hard to tell. Y'know, people do look much different in real life as opposed to TV, cuz there are no make-up people and lights following you. Not yet, anyway.

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