Tuesday, June 07, 2005

More wacked out sleeping patterns abound!

Meanwhile, I tweaked with the comments layout a bit, and who knew that putting in blockquotes would italicize everything? Tell me if it's annoying, and I'll try to figure out how to get rid of it. I changed it cuz it was driving me nuts how the comments and the info about the people all just kinda ran into each other.

I will upload pictures of Bob (the CG character that we all modeled and animated and are now texturing... though I didn't model this version since my model just sucked). Since he's such a simple character, his texture will take on a more painterly quality a la The Incredibles, as opposed to Shrek.

But that's all for another time.

Please leave comments and make me feel loved! Well... y'know what I mean....

One more note, you'd think that with having to listen to Antigone Rising every day at work for a month that I would be sick of them. Huh. Anyway, if anybody's heard their latest album From the Ground Up, tell me what you think. If you want a copy (purely for evaluations sake, of course, since if you like the CD you will buy it... and make Starbucks richer), then give me notice. Otherwise... I was able to listen to it over and over all night, then some at work, and amazingly, I haven't gotten sick of it yet. Well, perhaps I will in a coupla months.


Anonymous said...

If nothing else, italics makes things... classy. ^.^

Anonymous said...

i love you! ") i'd love you more if you visited me. yeah, i never said it wasn't conditional. "P

Anonymous said...

i leave you comments, and nary a response. what's the deal with that? and, what's the music of antigone rising like?