Saturday, June 11, 2005

My teacher liked my painting, but it was "on the verge" of being very good because the orange I used was a bit hotter than what was given in the color sample. Erg, so fig.

It's been awhile since I've painted, and I forgot how much I enjoy it. I think I'll try to do more of it in the future, though I'm not sure how. But I've still got that watercolor block with about 10 sheets left. Gotta use it. Perhaps everyone I know will end up getting a Jeanna original for a Christmas present. And yes, that is a threat.

I've been making up for lost sleep, so my sleeping pattern hasn't normalized yet. I'm guessing it never will. My room's a mess, but oh, tonight, tonight, I played City of Heroes! How I've missed you! Meanwhile, my drawing of the Falcon Duo is still to come!

Okay, gotta sleep.

Oh, and check out Whateley's blog. Why? Beats me. He just keeps wanting to advertise his blog on my blog.

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