Friday, November 14, 2003

Batman Fights the Joker, an Alien, and a Predator If that ain't cool, I don't know what is. You need broadband to access the movies (unless you want to download overnight). The "Making of" featurette is pretty cool, too. The premise? It's comic books come to life. Those of you at ComicCon this year might have already seen it.


I started that paragraph a coupla days ago and thought I'd get back to it a little later. Well... it's now two days later. But it still holds true.

I came into work this morning to find that Santa came and exploded in our store. Sometimes, there is such a thing as too much red. We started playing holiday music, too, and want to take bets on how long it'll be before I go completely nuts from hearing it over and over? And who are we kidding? Hannukah is over long before Christmas, Islam and Hinduism and Buddhism and many other major religions have no holiday in December, and the only other religion to have a holiday in December is the Wiccan Yule, which the Catholic church took over to keep the masses from celebrating a pagan holiday in the first place. So when we say holiday decorations and holiday music and holiday coffee blend, we mean Christmas. Though they do package 'em in different colors other than red for those "other" holidays. And what about Thanksgiving? What happened to that? Well, being thankful for what you have doesn't inspire you to shop.

We hired two more people at the store, plus a new assistant manager and a Retail-Management Trainee, mainly because several people were suppose to leave to start up the store in Pomona. Well, the opening date got pushed back several weeks, so now we all don't have any hours. Sigh. The least they could do is give me an extra hour a week devoted entirely to just deep cleaning. I got assigned two tasks instead of one, and I don't even have any time to do one during the week. In fact, I haven't been able to do any at all since I got hired. What do they want? I'm thinking they're expecting us to come in on our own time to do it. Off the clock, I mean. Hell no. Not for seven bucks an hour. Our last week's tips came to be only 92 cents per hour (of which 50 will be taxed come April), and it looks like the 6 hours I worked at the Chino Hills one won't let me get a chunk of their tip bounty. Sure, it would only be about 6-7 bucks, but that would have bought me lunch (at school) for a week.

Anybody else get more of the Six Degrees of Denise Richards?

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