Friday, November 07, 2003

I am now officially certified to handle food in San Bernardino County. Whoo.

Actually, it was rather enlightening, the class. A lot of the prevention methods were pretty obvious (keep hot foods hot, cold foods cold, and keep meat, eggs, and dairy away from other foods), but some of the specifics of the county health code was pretty interesting. For instance, everyone is suppose to keep their hair covered. And did you know that 2/3 of all botulism cases end in death? And ordinary cooking heat can't even kill it. Oh, and there's no such thing as a "24-hr flu." It is most likely food poisoning.

Thank you to y'all that have given, or tried to give, blood. The next time I do, I'll share all the painful details here.

It was a crazy week. I had two projects due (one of which I took all night Sun night/Monday morning), as well as half a storyboard that I couldn't finish last week, and I've been really tired due to not getting enough sleep from early work schedules. Well, early enough that I don't get enough sleep but late enough that I can't nap afterwards. Last night was the first night in days that I got a full rest. But you know what's the sad part? Some of that was self-created. I gotta stop keeping up with certain shows. Well, that and I'm fascinated by David Letterman's new baby.

I'm closing again tonight. Let's see if I come home with any pastries. The last bunch was eaten with great gusto. They may be pricey, but I do have to say, they are delicious. The new eggnog latte is pretty good, but I'm not too crazy about eggnog. Not too crazy about gingerbread, either. The peppermint mocha was pretty good, but I prefer white mocha. Perhaps tonight I'll try a peppermint white mocha. Peppermint chai? Hmmm.

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