Tuesday, March 11, 2003

I saw a woman on Korean TV buying a mink coat. It got me thinking about my views about fur, but before I do....

I've got nothing against vegetarians. I couldn't be one cuz I like eating meat too much, but I've got the utmost respect for them. I just don't like ones that get all righteous on me cuz I'm not one. I think vegetarianism is a good thing. It's healthier, it uses up less energy and resources, and Americans in general eat too much meat to begin with. And if their reason for going vegetarian is for that energy thing, then well, I guess they have a reason to be righteous, though I would question how they lead the rest of their lives. Anyway, if their reason for being vegetarian is because they "love animals" (which is a perfectly valid reason) then they have no right to be preachy. (Ahem, Miss P. Anderson-Rock-to-be) People that are vegetarian for "loving animals" should adjust that to "loving cute and/or furry animals." Would they object to wearing cotton cuz the cottom farmers spray for cotton weevils? Last I checked, even those pesky bugs were animals. How about crop plants that take over land that used to have native plants and animals? How can you love animals and not plants? Plants want to survive just as much as animals. They're just not cute and furry with cute and furry babies. And what about not wearing leather (again, Miss Pam) yet would wear pleather and other synthetic fibers? Nylon, polyester, and pleather come from plastic, which comes from oil. Oil spills have been devastating to animals. So has been oil fields.

So if you're a vegetarian cuz you love "cute and furry animals though you've probably never seen cows and pigs and chickens in real life" then hey, yay for you. Just don't go telling people that they're wrong for not thinking the same way. (BTW, the only reason I'd go vegetarian is if I have heart disease or something like that, or else if I was on a personal quest to use as little energy and resources as possible, though I'd probably have to get rid of my computer first, and you know that will never happen.)

Anyway, my views on fur? I think as long as they come from farmed animals (like cows and sheep) then it's ok. Well, it is somewhat wasteful of energy, but then we can start eating them too. Mink burgers, anyone? Hunting them for fur is wrong, I think, just because we're already doing enough crap to their habitat without having to add another predator to their list.

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