Tuesday, March 04, 2003

It's been a mixed-up past few days. For the most part it's been crappy. I don't want to reveal too much here, but pretty much, my car no longer has a right side-view mirror. Among other things. And we have to spend a chunk of money to make the wheels go straight. *sigh. Yet, even amidst the crap of life, there are rays of sunshine. It is true, God doesn't let us endure more than we can bear. So a surprise piece of mail helped a lot with that chunk of money. (On my defense, it wasn't completely my fault. The other guy wasn't parked correctly.) Also, I didn't know that my brakes were just about gone. (No one told me brake pads last only about a year!) I wouldn't have known it if I didn't see a mechanic. I think they were exaggerating a bit, but one guy said it would have been metal-to-metal in an hour.

The highlight of my weekend: spending time with Erica. She took me out to a belated birthday dinner at McCormick & Schmick's. The food was pretty good, though I've tasted better for less. I guess we were paying for the ambience. 'course, it's closer to her birthday than mine, so I think we'll have another belated birthday thing for her later this month.

The rains produced some more lush greenery again. In the grand scheme of things, my life's crappiness doesn't compare to God's splendor.

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