Monday, April 21, 2003

Happy Easter! (Um... belated)

The women's ministry presentation went well. I actually felt nervous (I wasn't all rehearsal) but I didn't screw up, at least. It was really beautiful.

I checked out the video of the 1973 film of Jesus Christ Superstar. It's an interesting version. Because Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice didn't want to say for certain that Jesus was either God or not, it's a very humanistic view of the Passion, the main character being Judas. It's rather interesting inexploring why Judas would betray someone he loved so much. Well, the film didn't show Judas' love so much.

Anyway, so here's my question to y'all. Do you think if you were there that you would betray or deny Jesus? We could all say, heck no, but really, back then, the Jews were expecting Armageddon and for Jesus to set up a physical kingdom on Earth. You're all excited cuz the Romans have been oppressing you for years, and you expect paradise to return. Then the guy you believed would do that is not only refusing to wage war, but up and gets arrested and crucified. We have the benefit of viewing this event through thousands of years of study and examination, and keeping our focus on a heavenly kingdom as opposed to an earthly one. But back then... I don't know how I would have reacted. I'm just glad I live in this century.

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