Tuesday, April 08, 2003

I splurged today and spent $3 on my lunch. Hahahahaha. Yep, splurged. I know this habit is so incredibly bad for me, but I've been eating those 99-cent burgers for lunch (on school days), coupled with a Coke (cuz of the caffeine value). I don't know how else to save money on lunch (other than brown-bagging it, which is sorta hard to do cuz I'm always running late in the mornings). I just hope that I don't end up gaining too many inches so that I can't fit into my bridesmaid dress. Exercise? Umm... sure. I think my weight control tactic so far has been, "eat something fatty only once a day, and have a bowl of cereal and some bread later." How's it working for me? Not well. I'm not sure about weight, since some of my pants are a little looser, but I have zero-point-one energy. Really, once I get home, I just conk out. The only way I can function at all seems to be through caffeination. I suppose it's a vicious cycle, not having enough energy to exercise so I can get more energy....

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