Tuesday, May 27, 2003

I can't help but notice -- the quality of my drawings is directly related to the quality of the models. And what affects quality? Mostly, what they're wearing. Well, that and the kind of poses they take. And as much as this martial artist guy sounds good, he's not. Blah. (We're taking a break and what am I doing? Blogging! Dang, no life!)

So... going back to my drooling... er, admiring of certain male models: I don't know if I admire those bodies because society told me they were ideal. Or else if it's biological. Or a matter of personal taste. I think it a bit of all three. I mean, mainly because society tells me to admire burly, hairy-chested men, and I don't. Maybe it's cuz I'm Asian. I don't know too many hairy-chested Asian men. It seems kinda gross to me, actually. But then, most women nowadays seem to prefer smooth-chested. I just keep reading about women drooling over hairy-chested men in romance novels. (Yes, I am admitting to reading smut... occasionally.)

My apologies to my male readers. (Or... is it giving you hints?)

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