Tuesday, June 03, 2003

It sucks, but in about 9 days, I will be completely unemployed. Sucks. My friend suggested I go for a retail job because despite its low pay and thankless hardships, it would be steady with flexible hours which I will need come Fall semester.

I am tempted to agree. Though there was a couple of months awhile back when I tried applied to what I think was a gazillion retail stores, I didn't get a single reply. I think they see me as over-educated for those jobs, and that I'll bolt the minute something better comes along. And they're probably right, but hey, that's what everybody in retail does. Or at least what all the grunts do. I feel so desperate for money. I have to keep reminding myself that it is God who gives jobs and also takes them away. So, why God did you take this job away???

I also found out my neighborhood Kinko's is not open 24-hrs. Which means that I shouldn't be up typing this blog, but should be asleep so I can wake up early enough to go there before driving to school.

I'm looking at various tutor positions listed on monster.com, and they're not that pleasant. I'm half-tempted just to put up flyers at local korean markets. It's gotta be better than what's being offered out there.

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