Friday, June 06, 2003

Wow, it's been awhile since I've stayed up 'til 8:30 in the morning. But that's when I went to bed this morning. I then got up at 12:30 to get ready and go to school. So why was I up so late? Putting together my portfolio. What made it take so long? Cuz I had the brilliant idea (given to me by a teacher, actually) to photocopy and shrink some of my drawings to fit them on one big sheet. But instead of using a photocopier, I used my dad's scanner, which does a pretty good reproduction. Anyway, here's the hard part: the scanner bed is only about 9 x 12, and many of my drawings are bigger than that. So what did I do? I scanned parts of it, and then cut them up and taped them together. Lame. But eh, what else am I going to do.

Luckily, everything was black and white, so I didn't use up the precious color ink. Yeeesssss, my preciousssssss. It truly is. We ran out of yellow awhile ago, so my magazine cover piece ended up with a purple model, and then a couple of days ago, while my dad fiddle with the cartridge, we lost the blue. So when he copied korean yellow pages cover to test it out... it came out looking pink. So he bought a new cartridge, and all I can think is, I think there is a lot more yellow in this world than red or blue. So it probably won't be long 'til we run out of yellow again. Argh! This is something to consider: when buying a printer, get one w/ separate color ink cartridges.

BTW, Craigslist rocks for selling stuff. At least, I hope my microwave got sold. It's such a pain dealing w/ the sale of stuff 400 miles away. I should have just sold it when I left, either to Christine or to someone else. Eh, what do I know, I thought I was just making things convenient. Who knew it wasn't?

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