Tuesday, June 01, 2004

The holiday weekend was fun. My brother drove the entire way to and back, so it wasn't that hard for me. So for the life of me, I can't figure out why I'm so tired.

School's winding down. I realize that my very first Illustrator drawing of Yakko is completely lost since I never saved it on my home computer and I deleted it off my Yahoo briefcase. I can only hope that it was saved on my student folder at school. I mean, it wasn't that hard to do (it took about an hour and half) but I don't want to do it over again. Anyway, my Illustrator class is ending this week (well, we're taking the final this week, at least) and she wanted us to take our projects and make it into a website.

Shrek 2 is a great movie. I liked the first one better, but mainly cuz it's hard to tell a story after the happily ever after. But it is sooo funny, chock-full of jokes. Antonio Banderas's Puss-in-Boots was there mainly for comic relief more than a plot device, but he was funny. I don't want to spoil it for anyone, but the kingdom of Far Far Away ws hy-larious. Especially Farbucks. Heh heh.

I had an interesting discussion with my bro-in-law over the weekend about tips. Do I think I deserve my tips? The answer is yes. But not because I'm providing any better service than to those who do not tip. But because they don't pay me enough so that the tips make up for the wages they should be paying me.

I think I need a better job. But what other job out there is as flexibly scheduled with an equal or higher pay (plus benefits)?

My schedule for this week:
Tue -- school
Wed -- 11:45 am to 4 pm
Thu -- school
Fri -- 2:45 to 9 pm
Sat -- 8 pm to 12:15 am
Sun -- 4:30 to 11:15 pm

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