Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Alright, I've been so tired that I haven't updated much. Before I go on, I keep on forgetting to send Bleusky my schedule, so I will post it here for all the world to see:

Mon -- work, usually afternoon to early evening
Tue -- internship (10 to 6, plus hours to drive to and back)
Wed -- day off, spend with Whateley (usually)
Thu -- work then school, though I'm trying to not have work
Fri -- internship
Sat -- work
Sun -- work

So far I'm having mixed thoughts about my job at Borders. I like that it's quieter, not too busy. What I don't like is that I don't get to have free lattes (or eat "leftover" food). Tips suck, though what's good is that you take them at the end of your shift, and you get what you earn and don't have to share w/ people who didn't work the rush, etc. But the suckiest part is that people don't treat that job very seriously. To get into Borders, you have to start out either as a cashier or cafe seller. The only reason people choose cafe seller seems to be because it pays a little more. But it's still crappy pay. Anyway, so on Monday we had two people that just didn't show up for their shift. One guy had done it two days in a row, so if he didn't quit, then he will be fired. But I don't know what's the deal with the second person. Anyway, it just sucks. Being short-staffed at Starbucks sucks cuz then everyone's busier. But at Borders (SBC, to be exact) since it's not busy to begin with, it only makes a difference when you have more than one customer. Anyway, I actually broke out in a sweat and I felt weary after my shift, like I used to feel after a shift at Starbucks. That was not pleasant.

On Monday, Whateley and I did our laundry, though it was a larger load than usual due to sheets, towels, and robes. Anyway, we didn't finish until almost two in the morning. And then I had to get up at 7:30 am today for my internship. I was late again, but I didn't bother calling since I knew they knew I was coming, the rain was making traffic horrible beyond belief, and I was so tired I was fighting just to stay awake. Ugh. I totally need the day off tomorrow (er, today).

I'm too tired to go into the internship now, but so far it's good. Well... tiring, a bit boring, and getting used to it, but otherwise good. I'm sure it could lead to an actual job there, though it might not be an artistic job, which would suck. I've got other plans if things don't work out at Zoic. But until then... well, I gotta pay my dues, suffer through working cafe and making little money, and doing homework. Sigh... homework....

Meanwhile, I'm having a lot of fun listening to Air America (AM 1150). Yeah... it is the liberal version of conservative talk radio, but at least they broach subjects that conventional media won't cover. An ooh, it totally gets my goat that Tom DeLay compared himself to Jesus Christ in his resignation speech. I don't think money laundering, fraud, and accepting bribes compares to... oh, I don't know, dying for the sins of the world. All I can say is, I'm a Christian and I am ashamed that so many Christians are blind and think that the Republicans follow Christian morals and Democrats are Satan-worshippers. All I can say is, sure they may ban abortion and gay marriage, but they'll also tax you out of the middle-class, ship your jobs to China, take away your health insurance and tell you to just get a savings account, play with the lives of millions of soldiers and lie about the reasons to send them to war, etc, etc. So yeah, while you're living in your cardboard box dying of preventable disease and your sons are getting killed abroad, you can comfort yourself with the notion that hey, at least poor people in the South can't abort their unwanted pregnancies and gay people can't legally get married. All is right in the world.

Oh, and one of the talk show hosts made an interesting point: during the Terri Shiavo fiasco, Congress met and passed a bill in less than 24-hrs to meddle in the private affairs of a family, and yet when Katrina hit, it took them more than 10 days to get help for the millions of homeless victims. So if the federal government won't pay attention to you if you're house blows away, the best way to get their attention is to bash your head against the wall really hard and hope you become a vegetable.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Seriously people, who follows Christs example more. The people who stop homosexuals from marrying and abortions. Or the people who try to provide health care everybody, a fair wage for everybody, promote tolerance between peoples and races, etc. It's the Democrats people! They are far more like Jesus than the Republicans are. So basically if you voted for Bush your going to hell... nuff said... oh yeah Batman Rocks!