Monday, April 17, 2006

Hey there everybody welcome to my first official post on the artiste’s blog. Let me explain a little bit about my name on this blog... not Grissium the Gnome that is another story. No the name of Whateley. I used to play a great card game called Doomtown, which in essence had nine factions you could play trying to take over, help, or destroy this little down called Gomorra California. The setting is an alternate old west, where recently magic, and all sorts of nasty critters had appeared. One of the factions were the Whateleys, a group of inbreed evil sorcerers from New England who were up to no good in Gomorra. Now I'm normally not one to play scum and villainy, but something about the Whateleys tickled me pink. So then I was looking at my Whateley cards and I noticed a Cthulhu reference on them. That was when I realized where I heard the name Whateley before! They were the villains in one of H.P. Lovecraft's better stories The Dunwich Horror. Which brings me to today’s topic.


This is easily one of Lovecraft's more famous stories, the role playing game based on the Cthulhu stories is actually named The Call of Cthulhu. Lovecraft's stories are in the vein of cosmic horror. Basically where everything you know is a lie, and mankind is actually rather small, puny, and insignificant. The horror comes from buying into the idea that humanity is as useful in the universe as a poopie flavored lollipop. Or that we are ants on the cosmic scale. Which is all fine an good in book form. Lovecraft’s stories are fairly hard to read because of his... unique writing style. But people who have come to visit his world after his passing, especially the British author Brian Lumley who has written several books in the so called Cthulhu Mythos. Now as good as the books are, the movies based on Lovecrafts work have been spotty at best. I'll be honest, most of them are complete crap. However some group of plucky fans went and made a movie based on "The Call of Cthulhu" that is really good. So go check it out, here is the link. Also if you wanna borrow it I own it. What makes the movie good is that they decided to make it as if the movie was made when "The Call of Cthulhu" was written, namely in 1926. So it's a silent movie, filled with cheesy silent movie goodness. The special effects are pretty bad, the acting is a bit over the top in places. But because you simply buy into the fact it's a silent movie you are a lot more forgiving of the problems with the movie, and enjoy it for what it is. Plus there is a amusing making of feature which is almost as long as the movie (the movie runs at 46 mintues)! So yes, this piece of fan made moviedom gets two thumbs up from me. Check out the preview located HERE!

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