Monday, April 24, 2006

Yes, yes, my life is boring, there is nothing to comment about.

More on to the whole health care crisis and how the White House cares so little for the little guys. This I gotta say about Starbucks, they had a lot better health insurance. Borders actually has the same insurance company, but they only offer that to the full-timers. For the part-timers, like me, they offer the cheapo-plan. They offer different plan levels, but the cheapest one is still $29/month and the benefits are so low that if I had to go to the hospital, I would come out of there with a huge bill still (last I checked, hospital stays were more than $100 per day). Basically, it would only be good for discounts on prescription drugs and for doctor's visits (I wouldn't even know if it covered labs or x-rays). Sigh. I gotta wonder... that $29 per month could pay for a lot of things....

So here I am moaning about whether or not I could even afford the premiums on the el-crappo-plan, and the White House's solution is, take even more money out of my meager paycheck and put it in a non-taxable savings account, which I don't even think I'll use much because of the cost of care would be so expensive that I wouldn't even go to the doctor, and even if I did, it certainly wouldn't be enough to cover my co-pay. Cuz if I had that much money in the first place, then I wouldn't need to get el-crappo-plan anyway! Sigh.

So is $29 per month worth it (technically it's $7.25 per week, so some months would be $36.25) just to get a discount on prescriptions and to go to the doctor for $15 (and possibly pay for $50 plus 20% of labs and x-rays)? I could go to the low-income clinics and pay just $15 for a visit. They wouldn't help me out in emergencies and hospital stays, but then, this insurance plan wouldn't help much, either. (Or I could pay $53 per month for the plan that would be decent for minor emergencies, or $81 per month for a plan that would be decent for a major, short-term emergency.) All in all, the plans suck. Which isn't surprising since plans for part-timers rarely don't suck.

So what to do? Is having crappy insurance better than having no insurance?

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