Friday, April 14, 2006

Oh geez, so now Whateley wants to take time to post a thoughtful entry and says that his posts are not "angrier" than mine. He won't post much (watch, I'll end up eating my words) anyway, so this is still mostly my blog, and it will still be mostly my rants.

And before I forget, I took some time to catch up on some blogs, and I was checking out my bro-in-law's and he posted an excerpt from my blog and wanted permission to reveal who it was, and I'm just stating now that if I post it here, then I'm giving permission for it to be posted elsewhere. (I hope I won't regret giving this blanket permission.) The only thing I request is that if it's going to be posted in a popular forum or something where a lot of people see it, that I just get a comment or an e-mail stating it has been done so. Y'never know when a group of people will decide to spam your e-mail in anger or something.

Okay, gotta go to bed. Whateley's still at work doing overtime... sigh, well, it's extra money... and I should've been asleep anyway when he came home.... This sucks, we only have one day off together. And I can't get off my butt to do some work and work on my reel... my new reel... long story.

1 comment:

SuperLefty said...

aw, man! you didn't work on your reel?!?! it was a beautiful day yesterday; i hope you at least got out! ")