Thursday, August 14, 2003

Happy Birthday to Kaela! And in case I don't get a chance to say so next week, Early Happy Birthday Beno!

Anyway, I promised pictures, and I will post them... soon. I just end up using my Dad's computer too often, and it's a hassle going back and forth between the two.

On another note, the city of Chino is in an outrage over The OC. It was on the local news after this week's show. The news crew was actually at the Chino Spectrum, right in front of the Starbucks (more on that next). Ppl complained that the show wasn't accurately portraying Chino, that there are a lot of nice houses and good schools here. And it's true. I haven't seen as much graffitti here as some parts of Placentia, too. The mayor has offered to take the producers on a tour of Chino, but so far, they haven't accepted. I think it would have been a little more realistic had the kid been from South LA (no longer South Central since the city council voted to change it... something about negative connotation), cuz Chino isn't so much "wrong side of the tracks" as it's more "used to be one giant farm."

Now, for my big news:


So finally, two weeks after my second interview at Starbucks, I get up the balls to call Starbucks, thinking if they're going to reject me, then I at least want to know the reason why. Well, the manager picks up, I tell her who I am, she says that she was just about to start making the call-backs.

Then she says, oh, I think you're over-qualified to be just a barista. Well, I reply that I just needed a job for the next coupla years while I go to school. And then she says, oh, so it's not a career thing for you. Oh, but what about the long drive? And I'm thinking, that Starbucks is a 5-min drive away. I could even walk there. But then she elaborates, you drive so far for school. Ohhh. So I reply, oh, I only go to school about two to three days a week, and this fall (if i successfully crash that one class) I'll only be going to school Mondays and Wednesdays. Well, she replies, that's different.

And then she says, ok, I'm going to hire you on, I'll call you back to schedule a first impression.

Daaaaang. Some of you might notice that this entry is posted rather early in the day. (I'm sorta not used to waking up before noon... or 1 pm... or even 2 pm....) Well, she called me back this morning and gave me my schedule for next week.

Holy moly! I'm officially employed now!!!

Afterwards, I spent the next ten minutes scared out of my wits. That's the thing about unemployment. I've been unemployed for so long (and before that, I barely worked 2-5 hours per week), that I've grown to love my captors. Yeah, it sucked having no money and constantly fighting with my mom about my laziness, but in exchange, I had TIME. Lots of it. I developed a bad habit of watching late night TV. I just checked out some books from the library. Final Fantasy Tactics. I've even been keeping up with the storyline of Days of Our Lives. (Speaking of which, Sami and Lucas??? That's too whack.)

But, as the Bible says (I think), he who does not work, does not eat. And since I haven't been doing much housework, I figure it'd be easier for me to contribute financially. And if anything, now I can start saving up for a Vegas trip, and perhaps even a Korea trip.

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