Monday, August 25, 2003

It was kinda weak of me, but on Saturday, after only a four-hour shift, I came home beat. But I learned to make Tazoberry Frappuccino, and Tazoberry Creme Frappuccino (which is really really good!), Mocha Frappuccino, Caramel Frappuccino, and Mocha Malt Frappuccino. I made a Cafe Americano and a Latte, but I don't remember how.

Oh, for those of you that want to know (namely only Beno), my Starbucks uses actual ground espresso. They have a policy to use espresso within 10 seconds of brewing. So every brew makes two shots, and for each brew, they use new espresso. It's kinda cool. You dump the old, then put two pushes of espresso into the jet, use this thing to pat it down, stick it back on the brewer, and then hit the button to brew two shots.

It's been tough getting someone to cover my Saturday shift. Apparently, it's a big holiday weekend or something. :) Still, if I can't get anyone to cover it, then I'll have to go to the Retreat late, miss two sessions with the guest speaker, and arrive in the middle of the San Diego Zoo trip. Which means that I'll have to call and ask to see which animals they're next to and try to catch up. So rather than do all that, I would rather go Friday night.

Today after church, I stayed after a bit to help make care packages for retreat. But first we went to Starbucks to get coffee. And I was able to use my 30% discount! So cool. So we got 5 drinks and it came out to only $12! Sweet.

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