Sunday, August 10, 2003

I will be posting more wedding pictures soon, so click on the link on the entry below sometime in the next few days. One word, though: it's MY vanity website, so I'm putting up pictures mostly of me. Yeah, yeah. Wanna see less of me and more of them? Tough. Try Beno's website. They should be under journal. (Speaking of which, Beno, update your website! At least change the index page! It's really out of date! If you want, I can even make a flash splash page for you.)

Anyway, thanks to y'all for your comments. I haven't called Starbucks yet, but I'll do so soon. Why do I really want to work there when they are frickin' busy morning 'til night? Cuz they offer benefits even to part-timers. Now, I don't care about the stock options, but it would be nice to have medical insurance. I haven't had a check-up in three years.

What's my latest time-waster? Final Fantasy Tactics. I named my main guy CletusTheYokel (slack-jawed wouldn't fit), I think cuz I was inspired by The OC.

For those of you that did figure out where Ubbi-Dubbi came from... how'd you figure it out? Did my clues help?

One more thing: The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen is an underrated movie. Well, it's more enjoyable if you've read the literature that these characters have come from. And the comic books. Anyway, Tom Sawyer's age is late-20's, right? Perhaps even mid- or early-20's. Well, in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, he's about 12 or 13, and slavery was still legal, which meant that it was sometime in the 1850's. Even if it was in the early 1860's, by the time the movie rolls around, it's almost 40 years later (1899). So Tom Sawyer should be about 50. But... well, you gotta have a handsome American hunk. BTW, I don't know if you, my gentle readers, know that Mark Twain wrote a sequel called Tom Sawyer, Detective and that's where they got the idea to make him a Secret Service Agent. Yeah, I know, one of you told me that. Now shut up.

I really wish they had played up the Tom's-crush-on-Mina thing more.

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