Friday, August 22, 2003

Well, I sorta have next weekend taken care of. I just have to have someone take over my Saturday morning shift. Either that, or I will end up going to the retreat late. Next Tuesday, they've got me scheduled for the opening shift. It is insane. From 4:45 AM 'til 8:45! I'm usually not even awake at 8:45 am! I'm half-tempted to stay up all night for it, except that all-nighters ruin even my sleep pattern.

School starts in three days!

Oh, I promised to post my schedule every week on my blog. So, here goes:

Tomorrow: 2-6 pm work
Sunday: church 'til 1:30ish

Monday: school all day (though it might end early)
Tuesday: 4:45-8:45 am work
Wednesday: school all day
Thursday: FREE
Friday: 10:30-2 pm work, then head off to retreat around 6pm
Saturday: RETREAT (unless I can't get someone to cover my shift, then it's 7:00-11:15 am work)

Monday: (Labor Day) RETREAT

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