Saturday, September 27, 2003

I had a long shift today, but instead of actually eating a meal during my meal break, I just had a drink. Well, it was a Chai Creme Frappuccino that I accidentally made again for a customer. So my day's nourishment, until dinner time at 8 pm, was a tall Vanilla Creme (vanilla syrup and steamed milk), a grande Chai Creme Frappuccino, and a venti Mint Brownie & Creme Frappuccino (this is a special recipe that someone else showed me, which is pretty good, consisting of creme base, mint syrup, and brownie chips blended together).

I haven't figured out the nutritional content of those drinks, but I'm pretty sure they were bad. But on the plus side, I'm getting plenty of calcium. And lactose-intolerance? Psssht! Well, actually, I overdid it a bit and ended up with a bit of delayed-reaction runs. (Oh don't you groan at me, missy!)

On a more serious note, the work environment at Starbucks is... a conundrum. I mean, so far, of all my jobs since Cafe (at Berkeley), this place has had the best work environment. I think mainly because the people around are either near my age or younger (mostly younger), and there's a lot of personal interaction. When I was working at Kaplan, I was by myself mostly, and while I had great rapport with the students (at least in the second class), it was somewhat lonely being at the top. At the hak-won (the learning academy), it was even worse because they called me Miss Kang, instead of Jeanna. That and I had absolutely no support from the director. Anyway, I'm getting along okay with the other people of Starbucks. It's easier with the newer people, though. Mainly because the older people there are part of a cliche. And when I say older, I mean, those that have been there for awhile, even though the store's only a year old. Actually, the ages of these people are younger than mine. The second-in-command is only 20 years old. They go drinking together after work. Anyway I think they see me as either too old (i.e. tired), too square, or too shy. I don't want to appear shy, but I can be quiet. Anyway, it's not like I want to go drinking with them (I am too tired, and I can't afford the drinks, and I don't like beer) but it would be nice to have that same camaderie. Well....

Anyway, gotta sleep, I've got an early shift tomorrow followed by Korean BBQ outreach at church.

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