Tuesday, September 30, 2003

Congrats, Count Whateley. You will be known as the evil-LPCA-guy from now on, though the managers will more likely call you Golden Boy. And yes, at Starbucks, we are allowed to have free syrup in our drinks. Today I got a cup of coffee (Guatemalan/Antiguan, which is supposed to be smooth, rich, and complex, it tasted like... coffee) and added a pump of vanilla. Well, that and my breakfast consists of a Tazoberry Creme Frappuccino. I coulda had a lo-cal version by not adding the creme, but c'mon, no creme? That's what makes it tasty. I'm thinking of experimenting with a half coffee/ half creme concoction. Or maybe creme base with a shot of espresso.

The guest speaker last night was a literary agent. Well, more like he represented scriptwriters and producers. He looked a bit like David Boreanaz. It was really interesting the stuff he had to say. The main point? The way to work in the entertainment industry -- any position -- is to schmooze. And 90% of an agent's job is to schmooze. Anyway, he said some interesting things about how to work as a writer (for TV and film) so if any of you want to know, just ask. What was hilarious was that even though the coordinator said no scripts, people still pitched him ideas. Well... not per se pitch, but more like, hey, I've got an idea what do you think, and hey, can I talk to you sometime about some of my projects.

One rant that's going to make me sound like a bee-otch: There's a handicapped girl in my class who I think has cerebral palsy. She talks reeeeeeeeally slow. But here's what makes it worse, she takes forever to get to her point. She doesn't just ask the question, she starts out with, "I may be being redundant..." or "Sorry to bother you..." or "I have a question that I would like you to answer..." or the worse "I'm sorry to bother you and I may be being redundant but I have a question that I would really like you to answer...." Now picture saying that at a second per word. And add a pause before and after every phrase. And here's the thing, because she's disabled, we can't say anything about it! Whenever she pauses to think up the word she means (and this happens a lot) the teacher or other students tend to jump in with assumptions. Like last night, she asked, "I'm sorry I may be being redundant (pause) but I have a question I would like you to answer (pause). I have a brother (pause) who's a writer and he written a script (pause) and what was that movie (pause) with the two boys (pause) I can't remember (pause) (someone jumps in "Good Will Hunting") (the speaker "Oh, Project Greenlight") and so on" and basically, the question she asked was, "What should he do to break in since he's gotten a well-received script?" And I'm probably being insensitive, but it just bugs me when she asks a question because I know it will take forever for her to spit it out. She reminds me of a guy that I knew in college (Erica will know who I'm talking about) that had slight physical disabilities, but basically, he just could not shut up, and it took forever to finish a conversation with him because when you think it will end, he'll jump in with more stuff. Anyway, am I right to be annoyed or am I just an insensitive bitch?

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