Monday, July 28, 2003

I remember one thing that I meant to talk about: The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.

It was pretty good. A fun movie. You could tell that the director cut out an hour's worth of exposition and character development, though. Like, they really could have put the tease about Mina Harker's mysterious abilities like in the comics. Allan Quartermain's chauvanism clashing with that was way cool, and it's really too bad they couldn't have shown more of it. And Skinner, the Invisible Man, is at his best when he's being a male pig. Anyway, it's a fun romp. There was just so much interaction that had to be cut out for time's sake, I guess.

There is one observation that I made which is somewhat of a spoiler. So I'm going to write it in ubbi-dubbi for those of you that don't want to read it. (Ubbi-dubbi is pretty easy to figure out. It follows conventional syllable-insertion code.)

Ubbaftubber rubbeaddubbing thubbe cubbomubbic, thubbey ubbobvubbiubbouslubby ubbaddubbed twubbo nubbew chubbarubbactubbers. Ubband ubbit wubbould mubbake subbense tubbo hubbave a bubbetrubbayubbal tubbo kubbeep ubbit frubbom bubbecubbomubbing jubbust a gubbood gubbuys vubbersubbes bubbad gubbuys mubbovubbie. Ubband thubbey cubbant mubbake ubbanubby ubbof thubbe ubborubbigubbinubbal chubbarubbactubbers bubbe thubbe bubbad gubbuy. Bubbut, thubbey ubbarent gubboubbing tubbo mubbake thubbe ubbamubberubbicubban thubbe bubbad gubbuy ubbeithubber. Subbo, thubben thubbere ubbis ubbonlubby ubbone pubbersubbon lubbeft whubbo cubbould bubbe thubbe bubbetrubbayubber. Ubband ubbif yubbou hubbave rubbead thubbe cubbomubbics, thubben yubbou ubbalrubbeadubby knubbow thubbe trubbue ubbidubbentubbitubby ubbof Ubbem.

Anyway, that was a little oberservation I made at the end of the movie that I sorta had realized at the beginning of the it.

(Y'know, I realize you could probably crack this code easy just by copying and pasting to Word, and then using Replace with a blank.)

It sucks that it's almost 5 am and I'm still not asleep....

(Bonus points to anyone that can tell me where I learned Ubbi-dubbi.)

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