Saturday, July 26, 2003

The Servustat is misleading, I think. Just cuz every time I view the blog for comments or whatnot, it counts me as a unique viewer.

I should be like Beno and carry around a PDA cuz I had some interesting thoughts that popped in my head today, and now that I'm all set to blog them, I forgot. :P

As some of you know, for Crown Bible Study I kept track of my finances steadily since February. Heck, I've even driven my sister crazy by suggesting to her she do the same. But I do have to eat my own words here, cuz for the past month I haven't been keeping track. It's sort of depressing, but since I didn't have any income coming in, and being out of school meant I had less expenses going out, I just didn't want to bother. Nothing would fit my budget anyway, since I have no income and there's no way I can estimate my expenses since all I've been doing is boiling at home and hanging out once a week with Robert. I've resolved that I'll start again at the beginning of August since school would be starting soon anyway. And hopefully by then I'll have some sort of an employment situation.

Gotta go, my weh-sam-choon is calling me for scotch-and-cokes.... ;)

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