Monday, July 07, 2003

I'm going to Hell for making ugly LJ icons!
You habitually make disgustingly ugly LiveJournal
icons. No. No, don't try to deny it! We've all
seen them, and they are fucking ugly as sin,
and for this you have damned yourself to an
eternity of suffering. It is justice! After
all, you've probably blinded dozens of

Perhaps you will be saved.

Why Will You Go To Hell?
brought to you by Quizilla

There are too many online quizzes out there and too many people posting their results on their blog. (You know who you are!) But... well, I thought this one was funny. I guess I'm going to Purgatory the above reason, even though I don't know what LiveJournal is.

Thanks for your comments, everybody! I figure I should respond to some of them in an entry instead of in the pop-up. Cat, I am Mike's friend Erica's friend and former roommate at Cal. Wow, such degrees of separation. You-know-who, how the heck do you turn off windows messenger? (They look like a windows box instead of a pop-up ad from a website.) DrWhateley, you keep posting your comments twice! It makes me think I'm more popular than I am. Gettin' my hopes up and then dashin' them to the ground in a pool of congealed blood. Um... yeah.

This past weekend was fun as well as exhausting. Sure, I could have exercised more to be prepared, but what's the point? Just the walk up from the campfire to my tent made me breathe hard. Perhaps I can blame it on the elevation? 7000 feet. That's high enough to make everything hard, right?

(BTW, I learned why it was important to stretch every muscle, including your groin muscles, if you're planning on hiking. And also, it is really important to put on lip protection as well as sunblock.) (I'll elaborate on my vacation weekend happenings in a later entry.)

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