Tuesday, July 01, 2003

I gotta say, Kate Mulgrew looks a lot like Katharyn Hepburn. I only mention that because Voyager's on right now (yep, in LA they run them at 3 am weeknights) and because Katharyn Hepburn died days ago.

You know what's worse than crack?
You know what's worse than... Magic: the Gathering?

Rollercoaster Tycoon

It's toooo addicting. More fun than The Sims. It's challenging designing rollercoasters. You have to know what will help you accelerate, what will keep the G-forces down, and what will keep your car from flying off the track. That's a bit of physics and mechanical engineering. So far, my efforts have been... marginal. People are puking left and right.

Anyway, if I plan on getting any sleep this week, I will have to take a break from Rollercoaster Tycoon. It's too bad I can't use the expansion pack. Something about it not being compatible with Windows XP.

More job prospects. Wish me luck! (Pray for me, if you will.)

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