Wednesday, October 01, 2003

Boy do I have a story for you today. So I actually picked up the SMC weekly newspaper The Corsair during the break of my first class. Well, in there was an article about how the refridgeration system of the Irvine Red Cross Blood Bank had failed and they ended up with a blood-shortage crisis. Anyway, in order to restock the supply, they are holding a blood mobile drive on the main campus today and tomorrow. Well, not having given blood since 9/11, I figured this was a good enough cause to take the shuttle to the main campus and impart some of my precious bodily fluid.

One thing, I don't know why, but donating blood takes a minimum of one hour, even though the actual donation process takes only about 10-15 mins. It's not even just answering the questions, filling out the paperwork, and taking your vitals. It's that there's a long wait in between each step. Anyway, I only had an hour to donate before the last shuttle left, so it was cutting it close, but I felt convicted about this cause.

Anyway, while I was waiting, I had my sandwich and some water. And after an hour, I finally went in to donate. (At which point I realized that taking the shuttle back was now out, and I'll have to walk the 1.25 miles back.) Well, here's my mistake. You're suppose to be well-hydrated, but the only water I had up to that point was the half-liter bottle water with my sandwich. A half-liter is approximately a pint, and a pint is what I had to donate.

For those of you medically inclined, you might have guessed it. I tend to bleed pretty slowly. I normally have low blood pressure. And I didn't drink enough water. So, after a painful 30 mins, I had just 43 mL to go 'til I filled the bag, and the plebotemists were massaging my arm and hand to get my circulation up, when my vein collapsed.

Argh. All that pain and trouble, and they can't even use that bag. (Which sucks cuz even though it's not regulation-sized, it's still good blood.) And afterwards, I had to sit around with an ice bag strapped to my arm while the nurse told me that I'm going to have a big bruise tomorrow.

The lesson? Drink a lot of water while waiting to donate blood!

I kept asking complete strangers if they could give me a ride to the Academy campus since I didn't want to pass out in the middle of my 20-min walk. But in the end, I didn't pass out, although I was more than a half-hour late for my class.

But even though this donation was a lot of trouble, I will donate again! There is always a blood shortage in California, and even though I'm A+ and therefore not as useful as an O-, I will try to give whenever possible. So for you sissies out there (you know who you are!), the pain is minimal compared to the good you'll do, so donate! They've already got so many limitations on who can donate (just added SARS and West Nile, in addition to Mad Cow which eliminates western Europe) that if I can, I'd feel guilty if I'm not. Besides, they give you cookies!

On a different note, fun links:
Map to Mordor
Project Genesis

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