Thursday, October 23, 2003

I learned an interesting thing last week that I haven't posted yet:

I am the oldest person at my store. Well, there might be one other girl who is also 24, but otherwise, I am the oldest. Yes, I am older than my married-with-a-4-year-old-daughter store manager. Apparently, she' only 23. Everybody else is 19 to 22, except one guy who is only 17. At the Chino Hills store, I think the ages of the baristas are a bit higher on average (there are a lot more married women) but it's still pretty young. When I had that temp job in Ontario, I met one 24-yr-old who was married with a baby, and one who seemed younger than me who already had two kids (she had her first at 15). It's really weird for me and I can't relate cuz when I was 19, I was barely growing up but these girls were having babies. But I realize that that's the norm more than the exception. But we don't see that on TV cuz, with the exception of Roseanne, working class people just ain't funny.

The Albertson's strike is causing the Holiday rush to start early. The morning rush started early today, and it was absolutely crazy. But at least that means I'm getting more hours. I'm scheduled to work the closing shift on Halloween. Fun. They're encouraging us to dress up, but I'm not sure what to wear. I was thinking of just drawing a lightning scar on my forehead and putting tape on my glasses. Anyway, from past experiences, they say that it'll be quiet early on while the parents are out trick-or-treating with their kids, but afterwards... mad rush to wash the evening away with coffee. Yikes.

Okay, so tired... and Erica where are you???

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