Sunday, October 05, 2003

Okay, so Holes the movie isn't as good as Holes the book, but since Louis Sachar also wrote the screenplay, it's pretty damn close. As my brother can attest to (and he's pretty finicky when it comes to movies) it's a good movie. And I attest, it's a damn good book. Damn. Hell. Yeah. (Geez people, do I have to buy them for you for Christmas?)

Well, there is one problem with the movie and basically it's why a book can't completely translate into a movie. The story is about Stanley Yelnats (it's a palindrome) and his adventure, but there are tons of backstories on his great-great-grandfather, his great-grandfather, on his friend Zero, and the history of Camp Greenlake, and the clever thing is how they all inter-relate. But when you translate that into a movie, you've got a ton of characters and a lot of explanations that you have to make sure gets understood. So a lot of the subleties were lost. And it's the subtleties that make it a great book.

Changing the subject, the wedding yesterday of a church member was pretty good. It was the first "Korean" wedding where I actually knew the people getting married and they weren't relatives. All you Korean people know what I mean when I say "Korean" wedding, but for you non-Korean-folk, basically, the main difference is, it's usually held at a church, the mothers are in han-boks and light the candles in the beginning, the bride-and-groom have that unity candle-lighting ceremony, they both wear gloves, there was a Korean buffet, and no dancing. It was all quick and over with in under 3 hours, though I came early and stayed later to help.

I had woken up at 4 am yesterday, actually, to be at work by 4:45. After I was done, I wanted to take a nap, but I couldn't because of errands and whatnot, and I was trying to get to the church as early as possible to help. At the end of the day, I was so tired that I fell asleep for a second on the exit ramp for home. I watched a bit of TV, but I was so tired that I ended up going to bed around 9:30, though I was interrupted twice by phone calls. (Sorry Erica) I was hoping that going to bed early could help me wake up earlier to do my Bible study before church, but I ended up waking up later than usual, so not only did I just throw on some clothes and makeup, but I was so late that I missed out on praise. And I'm feeling tired still. Bleh.

My schedule for next week:

Mon -- school
Tue -- 4:15 to 9 am
Wed -- school
Thu -- 4:15 to 9 am
Fri -- 2 to 6 pm
Sat -- nuthin' (maybe I'll go hiking in the morning)
Sun -- church then homework

Saturday's shift had a lead that I haven't worked with, because otherwise I would remember her stickler-for-the-rules attitude. It seems like every move I made required correction. She did complement me once, though. The thing is, it didn't seem any more than usual, but it just seemed that way cuz the way she talked was a lot like how the boss guy did in Office Space. I don't know if they train leads to talk that way, but there's another one that talks like that, too. And since it's snapshot season (snapshot=secret shopper report), it's going to be worse.

I wouldn't mind getting out of retail. If only tutoring was more steady. Like if I could get 10 to 20 hours of it a week or something. I'm seriously considering whether or not medical, stocks, and discounts is enough of an incentive to stay.

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