Friday, October 10, 2003

Short post in regards to comments:

Thanks for the link, You-Know-Who, but it's not helpful as I am not living in the Bay Area. The entertainment industry, for the most part, is in Los Angeles.

Anyway, as for the work meeting, it's on everybody's schedule, so we're getting paid for it, it's like a shift, yadda yadda, I just hope it's worth it. They say that we're going out to dinner afterwards. I wonder if enough people wanted to donate $4 out of their tips to pay for it. I certainly wasn't going to donate. Let the leads, who have more hours and higher wages, make the donations.

Speaking of hours, due to the store manager's daughter being sick today, I got extra hours. Now that's a new experience. I actually got 8 hours, though I may end up getting an extra five minutes in overtime. One bad thing? I think I got jacked out of a 10 min break. What's the law for 8 hours, cuz I just got a paid 10 and an unpaid 30-min lunch?

One thing I figured out, the rate of fun at work depends on who you're working with. I figured that out. Even Starbucks can be bearable with the right people.

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